Oracle silent and response file install

Recently whilst installing an Oracle client on a server I found the server had no X client on it.  This posed the problem of how to install without the Oracle OUI.  I remember back whilst trying to perform a silent install on a 10G database and having countless issues with my response file (rsp). 

Response File
The first thing to note is with 11G is you can create a response file whilst performing an OUI install (for db and client):


 Having had issues in the past, I think this will remove some of the response file issues and eliminate some errors with the install.  I did this on an existing development system and saved the response file and then cancelled the install. 

On the target machine I created a /etc/oraInst.loc file ftp'ed the file to the response directory:

Then I kicked off the install
./runInstaller -silent -responseFile <path and name>

Another silent install method is placing the parameters on the command line and running the install.  I think for a vanilla build this method is quick and easy.  If you want a custom install then I am not sure this is the best choice.

The silent install is straight forward.   Go to the directory where the runInstaller executable is and then run the following:
./runInstaller -silent -debug -force -ignoreSysPrereqs \
FROM_LOCATION=<path and location of the products.xml file> \
UNIX_GROUP_NAME=<Linux group name> \
ORACLE_HOME=<path of Oracle home to install in> \
ORACLE_HOME_NAME="<name of Oracle Home>" \
ORACLE_BASE=<location of Oracle Base> \
oracle.install.client.installType="<install type - InstantClient, Administrator, Runtime and Custom>"

The custom option will require more command line options and I would personally set up a response file because the options are available but commented out and would be less prone to typos.

There could be a lot of set up and configuration especially for a custom installs but hopefully this will get you started.

I should mention one cavet - I don't do much with Oracle on Windows, so this is aimed at Linux and Unix installs.

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